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Monday 24 June 2024

10.00 - 12.30 CET

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Wednesday 29 May 2024

09:00 - 11:00

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Register Opens external link in new windowhere by 28 May 2024

Monday 18 March 2024

9:30 - 12:30

Watch the webinar and the presentations Opens external link in new windowhere.

Programme: Initiates file downloadEnglish | Initiates file downloadFrench | Initiates file downloadSpanish




Monday 26 February 2024

09:00 - 11:00

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Register Opens external link in new windowhere by 25 February 2024

Initiates file downloadProgramme

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  • The CCBE is organising an event that will take place in the framework of European Lawyers Day (ELD) on Monday 23 October from 8.45 to 16.00 (CET), in the European Parliament, Brussels.
  • This event will be focused on “The role of the European institutions in upholding the core values of the legal profession in the administration of justice” and will be an excellent opportunity for the EU and Council of Europe institutions to shed light on the fundamental and positive aspects of the legal profession, stressing the benefits of these values for citizens.
  • The event will be live-streamed: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/streaming/?event=20231023-1400-SPECIAL-OTHER
  • Participate in person by sending an email to Opens window for sending emailevent@ccbe.eu


Video recording - some parts the recording does not cover the interpretation in ENG

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1. The Ouvre un lien externe dans une nouvelle fenêtreEU Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF)

  • Presentation of the RRF
    Ms Dovile VAIGAUSKAITE, Policy Officer, Unit SG.RECOVER.A.2 Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Slovenia - Business Environment, Public Administration, SG, European Commission
    Démarre le téléchargement d'un fichierPresentation | Ouvre un lien externe dans une nouvelle fenêtreVidéo
  • Presentation of digitalisation of justice in the context of the RRF
    Alexander IVANTCHEV, Head of Sector, Unit JUST.B3.001 e-Justice Policy and Grant Management, DG JUST, European Commission
    Démarre le téléchargement d'un fichierPresentation | Ouvre un lien externe dans une nouvelle fenêtreVidéo


2. The funding opportunities under the Ouvre un lien externe dans une nouvelle fenêtreJustice and the Ouvre un lien externe dans une nouvelle fenêtreCitizenship, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) programmes

  • Presentation of the upcoming opportunities
    Ms M. KARAVASILI, Justice Programme manager, DG JUST.04, European Commission
    Démarre le téléchargement d'un fichierPresentation | Ouvre un lien externe dans une nouvelle fenêtreVidéo
  • Dos and Don’ts of the application process
    Mr F. ZOIA BOLZONELLO, CERV Programme manager, DG JUST.04, European Commission
    Démarre le téléchargement d'un fichierPresentation | Ouvre un lien externe dans une nouvelle fenêtreVidéo
  • Presentation of the grant management process
    Mr P. BOVING, Head of grant management sector, DG JUST.04, European Commission
    Démarre le téléchargement d'un fichierPresentation | Ouvre un lien externe dans une nouvelle fenêtreVidéo
  • Dos and Don’ts of European judicial training projects
    Ms E. CRETIN-MAGAND, Team Leader, Unit JUST.B1 General criminal law and Judicial Training Unit, DG JUST, European Commission
    Démarre le téléchargement d'un fichierPresentation | Ouvre un lien externe dans une nouvelle fenêtreVidéo


Complete playlist on YouTube:


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Démarre le téléchargement d'un fichierComplete presentation

Panel Session I : Recent Legislative Achievements in European Company Law

  • Cross border divisions in practice - Démarre le téléchargement d'un fichierVanessa Knapp OBE
    • The experience of digital company law in Estonia and a critical assessment of the recent directive on the digitalization of company law - Démarre le téléchargement d'un fichierKai Härmand
    • Shareholders’ Protection in cross-border mobility of companies, and harmonised rules after the company law package - Démarre le téléchargement d'un fichierGabriela Fierbinteanu
    • Loyalty voting and liquidity tests: national reforms challenging the traditional approach in EU Company Law? - Démarre le téléchargement d'un fichierProf. Dr. Hans de Wulf

Panel Session II : The Future of European Company Law





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Opening speeches

Panel I - Self-regulation and the new Directive on a proportionality test: what is changing? 

Panel II – Challenges facing self-regulation: is self-regulation a guarantee for better quality?

Keynote speaker

  • José Luís da Cruz Vilaça 

Panel III – Ensuring and monitoring quality within the legal profession: an overview of national experiences 

Panel IV – The behavioural perspective on improving quality 

A new revolution is on the way, with the emergence of artificial intelligence in the field of justice. AI is promising to reduce repetitive and time-consuming tasks, speed up judicial processes, make the judge's task easier and make court decisions more reliable and fairer.

But the use of algorithms by the judicial system, the massive exploitation of judicial data or the use of automated machine learning systems raise many questions and constitute a real challenge for the judicial institution and lawyers. 

Such essential principles as the contradictory, or the equality of arms, can be strongly impacted by the use of artificial intelligence. 

How can the development and use of AI-based tools and applications to guarantee the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens be framed? What procedural guarantees will we have to discuss the diagnoses provided by intelligent systems? How will we be able to evaluate the quality of the data collected and used by the algorithms? How should the training of lawyers evolve, to enable them to detect and correct algorithm biases? What tools will law firms need to develop to effectively assist and defend their clients? Finally, what will be the respective place of humans and machines in the justice of tomorrow?

For more information, please see theOuvre un lien externe dans une nouvelle fenêtre 2018 CCBE Conference website.

The third annual conference of the Innovative Legal Services Forum (ILSF) will be held on 17 May 2018 in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. 

The ILSF is a unique event and focuses on three major areas: technology, business, and CEE visions. The conference will gather some of the finest experts in their respective fields such as Ms. Catherine Bamford, Mr. Andrew Arruda, and Mr. Friedrich Blasé. In addition to these men and women, partners of major law firms, heads of corporate legal teams, and pioneers of legal innovation will also be heading to the conference to share their case studies, their in-depth knowledge of legal services, and their vast experience to over 200 participants.

This year, the CCBE will have the privilege to be hosting its own panel on “the Future of the legal profession”. The panel will take place on 17 May in section three, Europe & CEE Visions, between 3.50 PM and 5.30 PM. The Chair of the panel will be Mr. Christian Lemke who will be joined by fellow CCBE members Mr. Iain Mitchell, Mr. Thierry Wickers, Mr. Bertrand Debosque, and Mr. Péter Homoki. 

Discussions and debates will be held on the following topics: 

1. Cybersecurity/risks and challenges for the legal profession 

2. Clients’/millennials’ expectations

3. Use of platforms and deontological issues for lawyers

4. Integration of law firms into the eJustice of tomorrow

The CCBE, therefore, cordially invites its members to register for the Innovative Legal Services Forum 2018 to attend a fascinating conference and a panel hosted by some of the CCBE’s finest lawyers. 

Support to the Implementation of the Judicial Reform in Armenia

Council of Europe Project “Support to the implementation of judicial reform in Armenia”, CCBE and the Chamber of Advocates of Armenia

“Current challenges and opportunities of the bars and law societies of the Council of Europe member states”
9 March 2018, Yerevan, Armenia 

The Council of Europe, the CCBE and the Chamber of Advocates of Armenia recently organised this conference with the aim to provide a platform for sharing information and experience on the current challenges of bars and law societies, to explore detrimental issues within bar associations and to propose concrete steps for strengthening the cooperation and ties amongst the bar associations and law societies of the Council of Europe member states. 

The main objective of the Conference was to facilitate dialogue and the exchange of best practices between the bars and law societies of different Council of Europe member states. The exchange took place between professionals from different countries and sought to generate – and contribute to – a wider debate on potential improvements in bar associations and the advocate’s profession. Even if the direction and policies of bar reforms may differ from country to country; discussion on the primary concepts and challenges unites different Council of Europe member states.

The scope of the Conference: The day-long discussion included presentations by leading members of the CCBE, in addition to experts and representatives of bars and law societies of different Council of Europe member states.

The discussions and debates were held on the following topics: 

1.       Advocacy ethics.

1.1    The relationship between the attorney and court, respectful behaviour towards the court.

1.2    Data protection.

1.3    The scope of rules of ethics: personal, social and professional aspects. 

2.      The Creation of a cooperation network between attorneys of different Council of Europe member states -- this session aimed to discuss the potential creation of a platform for more effective cooperation.

Additional information.



The CCBE organised a Side Event entitled “Threatened lawyers: the end of the Rule of Law in Europe?” on 24 January 2018 in Strasbourg, in conjunction with the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) session. The Side Event was sponsored by Ms. Sabien Lahaye-Battheu, member of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights of the PACE, rapporteur for the case for drafting a European Convention on the Profession of Lawyer.

The CCBE Side Event highlighted the increasing amount of attacks on lawyers in Council of Europe States through concrete testimonies from lawyers, who have themselves been victims of human rights violations. The CCBE also explained why a European Convention on the profession of lawyer is needed to counter those attacks and allow lawyers to play their essential role as actors in the system of justice and to contribute to protecting the Rule of Law.

On the same day, the PACE adopted by a large majority the recommendation from the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights calling on the Committee of Ministers to draft and adopt a European Convention on the Profession of Lawyer.

The CCBE welcomes this call and hopes the Committee of Ministers will support this initiative and launch the drafting process of the future convention as soon as possible.

The CCBE Training conference took place on 14 December 2017 in Brussels at the L42 Business Centre (Rue de la Loi 42, 1040, Brussels). The programme included panels on the transforming management of the law firm in the digital era, neuroscience and new discoveries on effective learning, innovative training tools such as MOOC, virtual reality, webinar, and finally guides to financing projects. Furthermore, the conference provided an introduction to the European Training Platform on the e-Justice portal, and represented a valuable opportunity for training providers and legal professionals to share best practices and innovative solutions for legal training.

Please find the available presentations of the speakers for the conference here:

CCBE Training Conference Programme

CCBE Training Conference Presentation

Workshop 1a - Design thinking and legal design

Workshop 1b - EU funds for training of lawyers

Workshop 2 - Choosing the appropriate, innovative tools for training

Workshop 3 - Council of Europe: HELP in the EU

On March 30, the CCBE organised, in conjunction with ProtectDefenders.eu, a workshop entitled “How to improve the protection of threatened lawyers worldwide? Practical tools from the EU Human Rights Defenders mechanism”. At the workshop, the new online platform “Index of attacks and threats against Human Rights Defenders” created by the European Union Human Rights Defenders Mechanism, was launched. This platform is an important new instrument to enhance the protection of threatened lawyers, since it will centralise alerts on attacks on lawyers worldwide. The event gathered around 70 participants among which were Bars and Law Societies, International, European and national lawyers’ organisations, individual lawyers, and human rights NGOs. Mercedes García Pérez, Head of Human rights Division at the European External Action Service (EEAS), and Sarah Rinaldi from the Commission’s DirectorateGeneral for International Cooperation and Development (DEVCO) presented the EU initiatives in support of human rights defenders/lawyers. The CCBE President, Ruthven Gemmell WS, and the CCBE Human Rights Committee Chair, Patrick Henry, highlighted the deterioration of the situation of lawyers in many countries and reported on international mobilisation and the CCBE initiatives in support of threatened lawyers. The European Union Human Rights Defenders Mechanism representatives presented the new platform, as well as other practical tools to assist endangered human rights defenders and lawyers.

Download programme of the workshop.

The conference is organised within the framework of the EU and Council of Europe programmatic cooperation for the EU’s Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus).

The CCBE-President 2015, Maria Slazak, and Bar/Law Society representatives from Finland, France, Georgia, Ireland and Poland will participate in the event. 

The CCBE conference on Innovation and the Future of the Legal Profession took place on 21 October 2016 in Paris.

Many topics were covered during the event and the speakers did an outstanding job of sharing their expertise.

We will make all their Powerpoints available on the conference website as well as photos and a video of the conference. 


On 19 October, the National Bar Council (CNB) in Paris hosted the CCBE Seminar on ‘Lawyers and the European Court of Human Rights’.

The discussions focused on two main themes: the role of lawyers before the European Court of Human Rights and the future of the Court.

The seminar was moderated by Laurent Pettiti, who is a lawyer at the Paris Bar and President of the Permanent Delegation of the CCBE to the European Court of Human Rights.

On this occasion, the new edition of the CCBE practical guide for lawyers acting before the Court was launched – ‘The European Court of Human Rights - Questions & answers for lawyers’.

During the event, a new presentation film of the European Court of Human Rights was displayed.



In cooperation with the Albanian Bar Association, the CCBE held a seminar, which focused on two topi

  • the core values of the legal profession and their enforcement and
  • the training of lawyers.

During the morning session participants discussed the functioning of disciplinary proceedings, including the number and type of disciplinary decisions and the most frequent violations of the code of conduct. The afternoon session allowed for a good discussion and exchange of information on the rules of initial and continuous training in Albania, France and England & Wales (solicitors). Practical questions such as the financing of law schools and teachers, the composition of boards of law schools, etc. were also raised.

The international organisations which attended the event also made their contribution to its success. The World Bank presented to the audience a draft version of their comparative analysis of Bars and Law Societies in selected European jurisdictions. The Council of Europe – HELP – reported about the continuous work on Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals.

For more information about the seminar, please click here.

The CCBE organised a Human Rights seminar on 16 May in Athens, in conjunction with its Plenary Session. The Vice-President of the European Court of Human Rights, Josep Casadevall, addressed the issue of freedom of expression of lawyers after an opening address by the Minister of Justice of Greece.

The President of the Greek State Council, Constantinos F. Menoudakos, spoke about the right to judicial protection in the judicial precedents of the Council of State of Greece. Ilias Anagnostopoulos, Chairman of the CCBE Criminal Law Committee, covered the issue of the right of access to a lawyer in Europe.

Laurent Pettiti, chairman of the CCBE Permanent Delegation to the European Court of Human Rights, made final remarks in relation to the latest developments at the European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR).




CESL – lawyers buying into the process

The CCBE organised a debate on “The Common European Sales Law - lawyers buying into the process” in Brussels, with the keynote speech given by Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship. The CCBE used this occasion officially to present its position to  the Commissioner. The CCBE received very direct replies to its recommendations to improve the proposed text. The aim of the debate was also to stimulate dialogue as to how the proposed Regulation for a CESL should be taken forward, after having raised divergent reactions from various stakeholders across Europe. The event was well attended by a variety of participants, indeed mostly lawyers, but also representatives of the EU Institutions and of other NGOs. The discussions confirmed that lawyers largely support the CESL and that this is felt to be necessary for the success of the proposed instrument since they will be the ones advising their clients about it. The text of the speeches that were delivered will soon be available on this page.



11 April 2012 – Together with the Consiglio Nazionale Forense (the Italian Bar Association), the CCBE organised a conference in Rome on “The proposed Common European Sales Law – the lawyers’ view”. The aim of the conference was to promote a debate among legal practitioners regarding the main legal issues of the proposal. Speaking at the conference were Luigi Berlinguer, Co-Rapporteur at the European Parliament, and Dirk Staudenmayer, Head of the relevant Unit at the European Commission, as well as expert lawyers from different jurisdictions across Europe. The conference was characterised by a lively and fruitful debate, with both Mr Berlinguer and Mr Staudenmayer showing openness to different viewpoints.

In her opening address, Marcella Prunbauer-Glaser recalled the CCBE’s early interest in a European contract law and its call, already in 2009, for EU sales law applicable in business-to-business and business-to-consumer contracts and not limited to cross-border contracts. She said that, whilst there is no CCBE position yet on the Commission’s proposal and some CCBE members are less favourable to the idea, the proposal is consonant with past CCBE positions on European contract law. She stressed that the doubts recently expressed by the CCBE about the validity of the legal basis chosen would not stop it from actively contributing, as was shown by the organisation of this conference.


The obligation to provide legal aid to those lacking sufficient resources forms part of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union as a necessary tool for ensuring effective access to justice. In the framework of the Stockholm Programme, a proposal on a new legislative instrument on access to a lawyer in criminal matters is currently being considered and a report on the application in the Member States of Directive 2003/8/EC on legal aid in cross-border disputes is foreseen by the European Commission.

This conference organised jointly by the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) and the Academy of European Law (ERA) on the occasion of the CCBE's 50th anniversary, aims at providing a forum for informed discussion on the future of legal aid in Europe, bringing together as keynote speakers key figures from the European institutions, to be followed by a discussion between legal practitioners, academics, EU officials and stakeholders dealing with the issue.



Cross-border legal relationships and their consequences (e.g. divorce, custody decisions and their enforcement abroad, maintenance) confront family lawyers with complex legal problems. New legal acts at the European and international level affect their daily work. Legal practitioners are therefore required to deal ever more with legal questions arising from cross-border family and parental responsibility cases.

Conference Programme



Interventions by:

List of participants

The Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE), which represents through its member bars more than 700,000 lawyers, is pleased to invite you to a conference on 15 December 2005 in Madrid.

This conference is organised by the CCBE in partnership with the Consejo General de la Abogacía Española (CGAE- Spanish Bar Association), and addresses “ E-communication and the legal profession in Europe”.

The conference will gather IT experts from the Bars of the European Union and the European Economic Area, members of the CCBE and CGAE IT Law Committees, representatives from national governments and European institutions in charge of information society policies.

The conference aims, on the one hand, to share the experience of those European Bars which are well advanced in e-communication and the Internet, and on the other hand, to address the challenges faced by the legal profession in Europe with regard to the information society.

The CCBE wishes, through the organisation of such an event, to help develop the use of electronic communication, in particular with the courts, in the framework of the professional rules applicable to the legal profession, and to seek assistance in the development of its own work programme for 2006 a s part of its role in assisting European bars.



CV speakers

Questionnaire - Current developments in electronic communications - Data provided by CCBE Delegations



Press coverage