... the CCBE has adopted additional position papers
addressing the issues of professional indemnity insurance for cross-border
services and the Morgenbesser case law. The CCBE considers that there is
no need...
... other hand, one third of the lawyers has experienced difficulties related to professional indemnity insurance (e.g. because they had to take
out insurance in both their home and home country). One quarter...
... SCHEUBA (Austria)
The Working Group was particularly focused on the area of legal expenses insurance. After analysing the
results of its survey on national legal expenses insurance practices, and in...
... their
client; (c) the opening of current accounts, savings accounts or securities
accounts, or of insurance contracts; (d) the organisation of the contributions
required to create companies; (e) the...
... of Management Accountants
7. Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators
8 . Chartered Insurance Institute
9 . Institute of Actuaries
10. Faculty of Actuaries
11 . Chartered Institute of...
... with the harmonisation of regulations regarding all contracts with banks, financial
investments and insurance, which are already partially subject to EU directives or to
simple recommendations (such as...
... in a case which the lawyer is handling through the platform (e.g. a platform
could be owned by an insurance company which could be or become the insurer of an opponent party).
As a result, the platform...
... and
CCBE (London)
28-29 .06
Opening of the offices of the French Bars’ professional indemnity insurance brokerage (Aix-en-Provence); and Conférence des Bâtonniers General Assembly (Marseille)
... be applied:
The exemption is limited to the following activities:
• Currency exchange offices;
• Insurance brokerage activities.
With regard to the exemption of currency exchange offices, the conditions...
... Elisabeth SCHEUBA (Austria)
The Working Group was focused on the area of legal expenses insurance. It established
a set of key principles to guarantee the right to the free choice of a...