... objectifs qui sont ceux de
la profession d’avocat en Europe dans les
années à venir : mettre fin à la surveillance
électronique de masse des citoyens européens
et de leurs avocats, rendre la justice
... objectifs qui sont ceux de
la profession d’avocat en Europe dans les
années à venir : mettre fin à la surveillance
électronique de masse des citoyens européens
et de leurs avocats, rendre la justice
... published
its recommendations on the
protection of client confidentiality
within the context of surveillance
activities. These recommendations
aim not only to protect and ensure
the fundamental...
... published
its recommendations on the
protection of client confidentiality
within the context of surveillance
activities. These recommendations
aim not only to protect and ensure
the fundamental...
... technology decisions. More recently, the CCBE
also published a Comparative Study on Governmental Surveillance of Lawyers’ Data in the Cloud.
Lawyers as well as other professional users, would like to have...
... technology decisions. More recently, the CCBE
also published a Comparative Study on Governmental Surveillance of Lawyers’ Data in the Cloud.
Lawyers as well as other professional users, would like to have...
... et ses associés, en consultation avec le
CCBE (Iain Mitchell QC [président du groupe de
travail Surveillance], James MacGuill [président
du comité Droit pénal] et Simone Cuomo
[conseiller juridique...
... et ses associés, en consultation avec le
CCBE (Iain Mitchell QC [président du groupe de
travail Surveillance], James MacGuill [président
du comité Droit pénal] et Simone Cuomo
[conseiller juridique...
... an apartment rented for them
by state security police. However, they are still subject to 24-hour surveillance by the police. All the
lawyers mentioned here above have not been allowed to meet a defence...
... an apartment rented for them
by state security police. However, they are still subject to 24-hour surveillance by the police. All the
lawyers mentioned here above have not been allowed to meet a defence...