... 143 of the Administration of Justice Act.
6.–(1) A lawyer shall take out professional indemnity insurance in accordance with the rules
laid down in the Bye-Laws of the Danish Bar and Law Society....
... Stefan von Raumer as Chair;
»» International Legal Services Committee: Carlo Forte as Chair;
»» The Insurance Working Group was upgraded to a Committee and Herman Buyssens was appointed as Chair;
»» IT Law...
... Article 477quinquies to have their professional liability
covered by a professional liability insurance policy.
Where appropriate, the existence of an insurance policy or of a guarantee in accordance...
... practice and in any event at a level not less than the minimum level of
professional indemnity insurance as declared from time to time by the Bar
Council. However barristers may enter into an arrangement...
... practice and in any event at a level not less than the minimum level of
professional indemnity insurance as declared from time to time by the Bar
Council. However barristers may enter into an arrangement...
... and how to promote innovation in full compliance with the
values of the legal profession.
Chair: Herman BUYSSENS (Belgium)
Human Rights
Chair: Stefan VON RAUMER (Germany)
... sanctioning regime;
[c] understanding of professional liability and of professional civil indemnity insurance;
[d] understanding of the various legal forms which a legal practice may take;
[e] understanding...
... and the obligation to
avoid conflicts of interests; and are required to hold professional liability insurance. Finally, lawyers are
in the best position to advise economic operators: their competence is...
... agreed by the
parties. Another important issue here is who shall arrange and pay for necessary insurance coverage.
This may very well be undertaken by enterprises, which can include the costs in the...
... and that
he is ready to exercise it, establish, inter alia, through
the Department of Social Insurance, that the advocate
is registered as an advocate-contributor to the Social
Insurance Fund.