... recognised representative
organisation for the legal profession in the European Union and the European... representing more than five per cent of the paid up capital of the
company or of a group company are...
... to another Member State and to acquire legal personality in that other Member State in
place of... the registered office should be tax neutral as laid down in
Directive 90/434/EEC applicable to Mergers,...
... Member States being free to use the best suited legal
vehicle (company law, security law, listing rules... or a
explain basis, to have less than the aforesaid three committees. This will give in...
... Probably the most important question concerns the legal consequences if in a given case
the aforesaid... legal consequences if in a given case
the aforesaid principle is not complied with. Will there be internal...
... In order to give a solid
answer, more factual and legal details would need to be provided to serve as a... known. The decision for
any of the three aforesaid instruments, we think, cannot be made in the...