Welcome to CCBE | ACTIONS | Committees & Working Groups

Specialist committees and working groups made up of experts appointed by the national delegations discuss and develop policy papers on a wide range of areas affecting the European legal profession.

Company Law Committee

Monitors and responds to European Commission initiatives in the area of company law, and provides expertise from the point of view of lawyers.























      Czech Republic

























































      United Kingdom


Proposal for a Directive amending Directive 2009/102/EC and (EU) 2017/1132 as regards further expanding and upgrading the use of digital tools and processes in company...


Response from the Council of Bars and Law societies of Europe CCBE to the Commission Consultation on Sustainable Corporate Governance (24/02/2021)


CCBE comments on the Proposal for a Directive amending Directive 2017/1132 as regards cross border conversions mergers and divisions (29/06/2018)


CCBE comments on the Proposal for a Directive amending Directive 2017/1132 as regards the use of digital tools and processes in company law (29/06/2018)


CCBE comments on the proposal for a Directive relating to certain aspects of company law (codification) (18/03/2016)


CCBE Consultation on Cross border mergers and divisions (22/02/2015)


CCBE comments on the proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on singlemember private limited liability companies (12/09/2014)


CCBE comments on the proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2007/36/EC as regards the encouragement of long-term sha...


CCBE Response Commission Consultation Single Member Limited Liability (13/09/2013)


CCBE Response to DG Markt Consultation on the Cross Border Transfers of registered offices of companies (22/03/2013)


CCBE comments on the Proposal for a Council Regulation on the Statute for a European Foundation (FE) (22/06/2012)


CCBE comments on the proposed Regulation and Directive relating to the specific requirements regarding statutory audit of public - interest entities (30/03/2012)


CCBE comments on the Proposal o f a Directive modifying the Transparency Directive 2004/109/EC - Note on the inclusion of exclusively cash - settled derivatives for ...


Proposals for a Directive and a Regulation of the European Commission on insider dealing and market manipulation : CCBE comments (16/02/2012)


CCBE Response to the Green Paper on the EU c orporate governance framework (24/06/2011)


CCBE position on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directives 89/666/EEC, 2005/56/EC and 2009/101/EC as regards the...


CCBE position on the proposal for a directive as regards the interconnection of central commercial and companies registers (21/05/2011)


CCBE Response to European Commission Green Paper on Audit Policy (27/11/2010)


CCBE Response to the Green Paper on Corporate Governance in Financial Institutions and Remuneration Policies (09/09/2010)


CCBE response to the Commission consultation on the results of the study on the operation and the impacts of the statute for a European Company (SE) (22/05/2010)


CCBE comments on proposed European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) (30/11/2009)


Answers to the European Commission consultation on a European foundation statute (20/05/2009)


CCBE Comments on the proposed Statute for a European Private Company (24/10/2008)


CCBE comments on the Small Business Act for Europe (24/10/2008)


CCBE response to public consultation on the content of a European Small Business Act (10/07/2008)


Position of the CCBE regarding the simplification of European Company Law (08/11/2007)


CCBE response on the Consultation Paper from the European Commission on a possible Statute for a European Private Company (EPC) (08/11/2007)


CCBE Response to the European Commission Consultation on Future Priorities for the Action Plan of Modernising Company Law and enhancing Corporate Governance in the Eur...


CCBE Response on the Proposal for a Directive on the Exercise of Voting Rights by Shareholders of Companies having their registered Office in a Member State and whose ...


CCBE Response to the European Commission Second Consultation on Fostering an Appropriate Regime for Shareholders Rights (30/06/2005)


CCBE Response to the European Commission Green Paper on Financial Services Policy (2005-2010) (30/06/2005))


CCBE Response to the European Commission Consultation on Fostering an Appropriate Regime for Shareholders Rights (16/12/2004)


CCBE Response to the European Commission consultation on the role of independent directors (11/06/2004)


CCBE Response to the European Commission consultation on board responsibilities and improving financial and corporate governance information (03/06/2004)


CCBE Response to the Commission consultation on the cross-border transfer of the registered office of companies (15/04/2004)


CCBE response to the Commission proposal on cross-border mergers of companies (05/03/2004)


Comments of the CCBE Company law Committee on the proposal by the European Commission of October 2 2002 for a Directive on Take Over Bids (28/01/2003)


Response of the CCBE company law committee to the consultative document of the Commission s High level group on A Modern Regulatory Framework for Company Law in Europe...


Letter to European Commission - Corporate Governance (14/09/2010)


Letter to European Commission - Interconnection of business registers (14/09/2010)


Letter to European Commission - Cross border transfer of company seats (22/02/2010)


Letter to European Commission Modernising Company Law and Enhancing Corporate Governance in the European Union (10/06/2003)