Albania - Attorney Ethics Code
Armenia - Code of Advocate's Ethics - Armenia
Austria - Bundesgesetz über den freien Dienstleistungsverkehr und die Niederlassung von europäischen Rechtsanwälten in Österreich (EuRAG)
Austria - The Richtlinien für die Ausübung des Rechtsanwaltsberufes, für die Überwachung der Pflichten des Rechtsanwaltes und für die Ausbildung der Rechtsanwalts...
Austria - Lawyers' Act
Belgium - OVB - Code of Ethics for Lawyers
Belgium - OBFG - Code de déontologie de l'avocat
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Lawyers Ethics Code of the Bar Association of Republic of Srpska
Bosnia and Herzegovina - The Code of professional ethics for attorneys in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bulgaria - Attorneys-at-law Ethics Code
Croatia - The Attorneys' Code of Ethics
Cyprus - Code of Conduct Regulations
Czech Republic - Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Czech Bar Association
Estonia - Code of Conduct of the Estonian Bar
Finland - Rules of proper professional conduct for attorneys
France - Décision à caractère normatif n° 2005-003 portant adoption du règlement intérieur national (RIN) de la profession d’avocat
Georgia - The Professional Code of Ethics of the L.E.P.L Georgian Bar Association
Germany - Rules of Professional Practice (BORA)
Greece - Code of Lawyers
Greece - Code of Conduct
Hungary - Magyar Ügyvédi Kamara Etikai Szabályai
Hungary - EN 2023 Hungarian Code of Ethics
Iceland - Codex Ethicus for the Icelandic Bar Association
Ireland - Code of Conduct for the Bar of Ireland
Italy - Code of Conduct for Italian Lawyers
Latvia - Code of Ethics of the Latvian Sworn Advocates
Liechtenstein - Professional Guidelines of the Liechtenstein Chamber of Lawyers
Lithuania - Code of Professional Conduct for Advocates of Lithuania
Lithuania - Code of Ethics
Luxembourg - Réglement intérieur de l'Ordre des Avocats du Barreau de Luxembourg
Malta - Code of ethics and conduct for advocates
Moldova - The Code of Ethics for Advocates of the Bar of the Republic of Moldova
North Macedonia - Code on Professional Ethics of Lawyers, Associates and Lawyer's Apprentices of the Macedonian Bar Association
Norway - Code of conduct for Norwegian Lawyers
Poland - Code of conduct of Polish Legal Advisers
Poland - Code of ethics for Advocates
Portugal - Portuguese Bar Association’s Statute - Law n.º 145/2015, which includes the Bar Association’s Code of Conduct, as published in the Official Journal
Romania - Statuts de la profession d'avocat
Slovak Republic - Rules of professional Conduct for Lawyers
Slovenia - Code of professional conduct of the Bar Association of Slovenia
Spain - Codigo deontolgico
Sweden - Code of professional conduct for members of the Swedish Bar Association
Switzerland - Code suisse de deontologie
The Netherlands - National regulations – National code of conduct (2024)
Ukraine - UNBA Rules of Professional Conduct
United Kingdom - Scotland - Code of conduct for solicitors
United Kingdom - Scotland - Guide to the professional conduct of advocates
United Kingdom - England Wales - Law Society Code of conduct for solicitors
United Kingdom - England and Wales - Code of Conduct of the Bar Council
United Kingdom - Northern Ireland - Code of Conduct for Solicitors
Albania - Law on the Legal Profession no. 55/2018
Austria - The Richtlinien für die Ausübung des Rechtsanwaltsberufes, für die Überwachung der Pflichten des Rechtsanwaltes und für die Ausbildung der Rechtsanwalts...
Austria - Lawyers' Act
Belgium - Judicial Code
Cyprus - The Advocates Law
Czech Republic - ACT No 851996 Sb of 13th March 1996 on the Legal Profession
Denmark - Rules of the Danish Bar and Law Society
Denmark - Bye Laws of the Danish Bar and Law Society
Estonia - Estonian Bar Association Act
Finland - Advocates Act
France - Decision a caractere normatif n 2005 003 portant adoption du reglement interieur national RIN de la profession d avocat
France - Decret n 91 1197 du 27 novembre 1991 Decret organisant la profession d avocat
France - Loi 71 1130 1971 12 31 Loi portant reforme de certaines professions judiciaires et juridiques
Georgia - The Law of Georgia on Advocates
Germany - Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (BRAO)
Germany - Fachanwaltsordnung (FAO)
Hungary - Act on Lawyers
Italy - Loi professionnelle de 2012
Luxembourg - Loi du 10 aout 1991 sur la profession d avocat
Norway - Regulations for advocates
Norway - Bylaws of the Norwegian Bar Association
Poland - Act of Parliment on Attorneys-at-Law
Poland - The Law on the Advocates Profession
Romania - Law for the organization and practice of the Lawyer s Profession
Slovak Republic - Parliamentary Act No 586/2003
Slovenia - Bar Act
Spain - General by law of the Spanish Lawyers
Sweden - Chapter 8 of the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure
Sweden - Charter of the Swedish Bar Association
Sweden - Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure
Switzerland - Federal Act on the Freedom of Movement for Lawyers
The Netherlands - Act on Advocates
The Netherlands - Act on Advocates (2024)
Turkey - Attorneyship Law Regulations Of The Union Of Bar Associations Of Turkey
Ukraine - Law of Ukraine on the Bar and Practice of Law
General information
Summary Document provides information about: (1) continuing training obligation (e.g. extent, exemptions); (2) training activities and methods, (3) course providers, (4) assessment of training activities and (5) supervision.
Brief layout
Detailled information
Andorra - Overview
Austria - Note
Belgium - OVB Overview
Belgium - OBFG Overview
Belgium - OBFG - Rules of 17 January 2013
Belgium - OVB - Rules of 16 June 2010
Bulgaria - Overview
Bulgaria - Rules
Denmark - Rules
Denmark - Overview
Denmark - Brochure of 2009
Estonia - Overview
Estonia - Rules
Finland - Rules
Finland - Overview
France - Overview
France - Rules
Georgia - Note
Germany - Fachanwaltsordnung FAO
Germany - Federal Lawyers Act
Germany - Overview
Ireland - Bar Council - Overview
Ireland - Bar Council - Rules
Ireland - Law Society - Overview
Ireland - Law Society - Rules
Italy - Overview
Italy - Rules
Latvia - Overview
Lithuania - Overview
Lithuania - Rules
Luxembourg - Overview
Luxembourg - Rules
Norway - Overview
Norway - Rules
Poland - Polish Bar Council - Overview
Poland - National Council of Legal Advisers - Overview
Poland - Polish Bar Council - Rules
Romania - Training programme
Slovak Republic - Note
Sweden - Note
Sweden - Overview
Switzerland - Overview
Switzerland - Rules
The Netherlands - Rules
Turkey - Note
Ukraine - Rules
United Kingdom - England and Wales - Bar Council Information pack
United Kingdom - England and Wales - Bar Council Overview
United Kingdom - England and Wales - Bar Council Guide
United Kingdom - Northern Ireland - General Council Rules
United Kingdom - England and Wales - SRA Overview
United Kingdom - Northern Ireland - Law Society Rules
United Kingdom - Northern Ireland - Law Society Overview
United Kingdom - Scotland - Faculty Rules
United Kingdom - Scotland - Faculty Overview
United Kingdom - England and Wales - SRA Guide
United Kingdom - Scotland - Law Society Guidance
United Kingdom - Scotland - Law Society Overview