Welcome to CCBE | DOCUMENTS | Professional Regulations

Albania - Attorney Ethics Code


Armenia - Code of Advocate's Ethics - Armenia


Austria - Bundesgesetz über den freien Dienstleistungsverkehr und die Niederlassung von europäischen Rechtsanwälten in Österreich (EuRAG)


Austria - The Richtlinien für die Ausübung des Rechtsanwaltsberufes, für die Überwachung der Pflichten des Rechtsanwaltes und für die Ausbildung der Rechtsanwalts...


Austria - Lawyers' Act


Belgium - OVB - Code of Ethics for Lawyers


Belgium - OBFG - Code de déontologie de l'avocat


Bosnia and Herzegovina - Lawyers Ethics Code of the Bar Association of Republic of Srpska


Bosnia and Herzegovina - The Code of professional ethics for attorneys in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina


Bulgaria - Attorneys-at-law Ethics Code


Croatia - The Attorneys' Code of Ethics


Cyprus - Code of Conduct Regulations


Czech Republic - Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Czech Bar Association


Estonia - Code of Conduct of the Estonian Bar


Finland - Rules of proper professional conduct for attorneys


France - Décision à caractère normatif n° 2005-003 portant adoption du règlement intérieur national (RIN) de la profession d’avocat


Georgia - The Professional Code of Ethics of the L.E.P.L Georgian Bar Association


Germany - Rules of Professional Practice (BORA)


Greece - Code of Lawyers


Greece - Code of Conduct


Hungary - Magyar Ügyvédi Kamara Etikai Szabályai


Hungary - EN 2023 Hungarian Code of Ethics


Iceland - Codex Ethicus for the Icelandic Bar Association


Ireland - Code of Conduct for the Bar of Ireland


Italy - Code of Conduct for Italian Lawyers


Latvia - Code of Ethics of the Latvian Sworn Advocates


Liechtenstein - Professional Guidelines of the Liechtenstein Chamber of Lawyers


Lithuania - Code of Professional Conduct for Advocates of Lithuania


Lithuania - Code of Ethics


Luxembourg - Réglement intérieur de l'Ordre des Avocats du Barreau de Luxembourg


Malta - Code of ethics and conduct for advocates


Moldova - The Code of Ethics for Advocates of the Bar of the Republic of Moldova


North Macedonia - Code on Professional Ethics of Lawyers, Associates and Lawyer's Apprentices of the Macedonian Bar Association


Norway - Code of conduct for Norwegian Lawyers


Poland - Code of conduct of Polish Legal Advisers


Poland - Code of ethics for Advocates


Portugal - Portuguese Bar Association’s Statute - Law n.º 145/2015, which includes the Bar Association’s Code of Conduct, as published in the Official Journal


Romania - Statuts de la profession d'avocat


Slovak Republic - Rules of professional Conduct for Lawyers


Slovenia - Code of professional conduct of the Bar Association of Slovenia


Spain - Codigo deontolgico


Sweden - Code of professional conduct for members of the Swedish Bar Association


Switzerland - Code suisse de deontologie


The Netherlands - National regulations – National code of conduct (2024)


Ukraine - UNBA Rules of Professional Conduct


United Kingdom - Scotland - Code of conduct for solicitors


United Kingdom - Scotland - Guide to the professional conduct of advocates


United Kingdom - England Wales - Law Society Code of conduct for solicitors


United Kingdom - England and Wales - Code of Conduct of the Bar Council


United Kingdom - Northern Ireland - Code of Conduct for Solicitors


Albania - Law on the Legal Profession no. 55/2018


Austria - The Richtlinien für die Ausübung des Rechtsanwaltsberufes, für die Überwachung der Pflichten des Rechtsanwaltes und für die Ausbildung der Rechtsanwalts...


Austria - Lawyers' Act


Belgium - Judicial Code


Cyprus - The Advocates Law


Czech Republic - ACT No 851996 Sb of 13th March 1996 on the Legal Profession


Denmark - Rules of the Danish Bar and Law Society


Denmark - Bye Laws of the Danish Bar and Law Society


Estonia - Estonian Bar Association Act


Finland - Advocates Act


France - Decision a caractere normatif n 2005 003 portant adoption du reglement interieur national RIN de la profession d avocat


France - Decret n 91 1197 du 27 novembre 1991 Decret organisant la profession d avocat


France - Loi 71 1130 1971 12 31 Loi portant reforme de certaines professions judiciaires et juridiques


Georgia - The Law of Georgia on Advocates


Germany - Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (BRAO)


Germany - Fachanwaltsordnung (FAO)


Hungary - Act on Lawyers


Italy - Loi professionnelle de 2012


Luxembourg - Loi du 10 aout 1991 sur la profession d avocat


Norway - Regulations for advocates


Norway - Bylaws of the Norwegian Bar Association


Poland - Act of Parliment on Attorneys-at-Law


Poland - The Law on the Advocates Profession


Romania - Law for the organization and practice of the Lawyer s Profession


Slovak Republic - Parliamentary Act No 586/2003


Slovenia - Bar Act


Spain - General by law of the Spanish Lawyers


Sweden - Chapter 8 of the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure


Sweden - Charter of the Swedish Bar Association


Sweden - Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure


Switzerland - Federal Act on the Freedom of Movement for Lawyers


The Netherlands - Act on Advocates


The Netherlands - Act on Advocates (2024)


Turkey - Attorneyship Law Regulations Of The Union Of Bar Associations Of Turkey


Ukraine - Law of Ukraine on the Bar and Practice of Law


General information

Summary Document provides information about: (1) continuing training obligation (e.g. extent, exemptions); (2) training activities and methods, (3) course providers, (4) assessment of training activities and (5) supervision.
Brief layout


Detailled information

Andorra - Overview


Austria - Note


Belgium - OVB Overview


Belgium - OBFG Overview


Belgium - OBFG - Rules of 17 January 2013


Belgium - OVB - Rules of 16 June 2010


Bulgaria - Overview


Bulgaria - Rules


Denmark - Rules


Denmark - Overview


Denmark - Brochure of 2009


Estonia - Overview


Estonia - Rules


Finland - Rules


Finland - Overview


France - Overview


France - Rules


Georgia - Note


Germany - Fachanwaltsordnung FAO


Germany - Federal Lawyers Act


Germany - Overview


Ireland - Bar Council - Overview


Ireland - Bar Council - Rules


Ireland - Law Society - Overview


Ireland - Law Society - Rules


Italy - Overview


Italy - Rules


Latvia - Overview


Lithuania - Overview


Lithuania - Rules


Luxembourg - Overview


Luxembourg - Rules


Norway - Overview


Norway - Rules


Poland - Polish Bar Council - Overview


Poland - National Council of Legal Advisers - Overview


Poland - Polish Bar Council - Rules


Romania - Training programme


Slovak Republic - Note


Sweden - Note


Sweden - Overview


Switzerland - Overview


Switzerland - Rules


The Netherlands - Rules


Turkey - Note


Ukraine - Rules


United Kingdom - England and Wales - Bar Council Information pack


United Kingdom - England and Wales - Bar Council Overview


United Kingdom - England and Wales - Bar Council Guide


United Kingdom - Northern Ireland - General Council Rules


United Kingdom - England and Wales - SRA Overview


United Kingdom - Northern Ireland - Law Society Rules


United Kingdom - Northern Ireland - Law Society Overview


United Kingdom - Scotland - Faculty Rules


United Kingdom - Scotland - Faculty Overview


United Kingdom - England and Wales - SRA Guide


United Kingdom - Scotland - Law Society Guidance


United Kingdom - Scotland - Law Society Overview



Bilateral agreements on mutual recognition of training activities

Bilateral agreement France - Italy


Bilateral agreement Italy - Austria


Bilateral agreement Italy - Avocats.be


Bilateral agreement Italy - Law Society Ireland


Bilateral agreement Italy - San Marino


Bilateral agreement Romania - Bulgaria


Bilateral agreement Romania - Moldova


Bilateral agreement Romania - Serbia



Detailled information

Belgium - OBFG - National Rules


Croatia - National Rules


France - National Rules


Georgia - National Rules


Germany - Overview


Italy - National Rules


Poland - Bar Council - National Rules


Portugal - National Rules


Slovenia - Overview


Switzerland - National Rules


United Kingdom - Scotland - National Rules


United Kingdom - Northern Ireland - National Rules


United Kingdom - SRA


General information

  • Judgment of the Court of Justice from 13 November 2003  in Case C-313/01 Morgenbesser v Consiglio dell’Ordine degli avvocati di Genova, 5th Chamber
  • Court press release
  • CCBE analysis and guidance to Bars and Law Societies regarding Case C-313/01


Countries' tables

Austria - Morgenbesser


Belgium - OVB - Morgenbesser


Belgium - OFBG - Morgenbesser


Denmark - Morgenbesser


Finland - Morgenbesser


Germany - Morgenbesser


Ireland - Law Society - Morgenbesser


Luxembourg - Morgenbesser


Norway - Morgenbesser


Slovak Republic - Morgenbesser


Sweden - Morgenbesser


The Netherlands - Morgenbesser


Training Committee - CCBE position on the Morgenbesser case law (11/09/2015)


Training Committee - Chronology (I), Analysis (II) and guidance (III) to Bars and Law Societies regarding Case C-313/01 Christine Morgenbesser v Consiglio dell'Ordine ...


United Kingdom - England and Wales - SRA - Morgenbesser


United Kingdom - England and Wales - Bar Council - Morgenbesser


Council Directive 77/249/EEC of 22 March 1977 to facilitate the effective exercise by lawyers of freedom to provide services


Council Directive 89/48/EEC of 21 December 1988 on a general system for the recognition of higher-education diplomas awarded on completion of professional education an...


Directive 98/5/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 February 1998 to facilitate practice of the profession of lawyer on a permanent basis in a Member...


Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications (Text with EEA relevance)


Directive 2006/123/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 on services in the internal market


Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the right of access to a lawyer in criminal proceedings and European arrest warrant proceedings (22/10/2013)


Directive 98/5/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 February 1998 to facilitate practice of the profession of lawyer on a permanent basis in a Member...


Decision in the Michaud case (07/05/2013)


ECHR is taking exceptional measures (16/03/2020)


The proposed new Rule 44F and the proposed amendment to Rule 33§1 of the Rules of the Court (20/05/2022)


Affaire da Silveira c. France (21/04/2010)


Laurent Pech Legal Opinion on Case C-55/20 (27/11/2020)


Case 2/74 Jean Reyners v. State of Belgium (21/06/1974)


Case 33/74 Johannes Henricus Maria van Binsbergen v. Bestuur van de Bedrijfsvereniging voor de Metaalnijverheid (3/12/1974)


Case 71/76 Jean Thieffry v. Conseil de l’ordre des avocats de Paris (28/04/1977)


Case 107/83 Ordre des avocats au Barreau de Paris v. Onno Klopp (12/07/1984)


Case 292/86 Claude Gullung v. Conseil de l’Ordre des avocats du Barreau de Colmar et de Saverne (19 /01/1988)


Case 427/85 Commission of the European Communities v. Federal Republic of Germany (25/02/1988)


Case C -340/89 Irène Vlassopoulou v. Ministerium für Justiz, Bundes - und Europaangelegenheiten Baden - Württemberg (7/05/1991)


Case 294/89 Commission of the European Communities v. French Republic (10/07/1991)


Case C -19/92 Dieter Kraus v. Land Baden -Württemberg (31/03/1993)


Case 55/94 Reinhard Gebhard v. Consiglio dell'Ordine degli Avvocati e Procuratori di Milano (30/11/1995)


Case 168/98 Grand Duchy of Luxembourg v. European Parliament and Council of the European Union (7 /11/2000)


Case 309/99 J.C.J Wouters v. Algemende Raad van de Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten (19/02/2002)


Case C -35/99 Manuele Arduino (19/02/2002)


Case 145/99 Commission of the European Communities v. Italian Republic (7/03/2002)


Case 289/02 AMOK Verlags v. A and R Gastronomie (11/12/2003)


Case 506/04 Graham J. Wilson v. Ordre des avocats du barreau de Luxembourg (19/09/2006)


Joint cases C -94/04 and C -202/04 Cipolla v. Meloni (5/12/2006)


Case 305/05 Ordre des barreaux francophones et germanophone, Ordre français des avocats du barreau de Bruxelles, Ordre des barreaux flamands, Ordre néerlandais des ...


Practice Direction from the Court of Justice relating to direct actions and appeals


Practice Directions from the General Court


Joint Cases T -125/03 and T- 253/03 Akzo Nobel Chemicals Ltd. v. Commission of European Communities (14/09/2010)


Case 118/09 Robert Koller v. Rechtsanwaltsprüfungskommission of the Oberlandesgericht Graz (22/12/2010)


Case 359/09 Donat Cornelius Ebert v. Budapesti Ügyvédi Kamara ( 3/02/2011)


Case 565/08 Commission v Italy (29/03/2011)


Case 424/09 Toki (5/04/2011)


Case T- 226/10, Prezes Urzędu Komunikacji Elektronicznej v European Commission (23/05/2011)


Case C -101/10 Gentcho Pavlov, Gregor Famira v Ausschuss der Rechtsanwaltskammer Wien, (7/07/2011)


Case T- 110/14, ADR Center Srl v European Commi ssion (24/03/2014)


Joined Cases C -58/13 and C -59/13 Angelo Alberto Torresi (C -58/13), Pierfrancesco Torresi (C -59/13) v Consiglio dell’Ordine degli Avvocati di Macerata, (17/07/20...


Case T- 221/14, Association/Vereniging Justice & Environment v European Commission (18/11/2014)


Case C ‑ 537/13 Birutė Šiba v Arūnas Devėnas (15/01/2015)


Judgment of the Court of Justice from 13/11/2003 Morgenbesser


Case 313/01 Christine Morgenbesser v. Consiglio dell’Ordine degli avvocati di Genvoa (13/11/2003)


Case C-250/03 Giorgio Emanuele Mauri v Ministero della Giustizia and Commissione per gli esami di avvocato presso la Corte d'appello di Milano (17/02/2005)


Case C - 345/08 Krzystof Peśla v. Justizministerium Mecklenburg -Vorpommern (10/12/2009)


Austria - Practical Guide for EU EEA and Swiss Lawyers on Service and Establishment


Belgium - Practical Guide for EU EEA and Swiss Lawyers on Service and Establishment


Croatia - Practical Guide for EU EEA and Swiss Lawyers on Service and Establishment


Cyprus - Practical Guide for EU EEA and Swiss Lawyers on Service and Establishment


Czech Republic - Practical Guide for EU EEA and Swiss Lawyers on Service and Establishment


Denmark - Practical Guide for EU EEA and Swiss Lawyers on Service and Establishment


Estonia - Practical Guide for EU EEA and Swiss Lawyers on Service and Establishment


Finland - Practical Guide for EU EEA and Swiss Lawyers on Service and Establishment


France - Practical Guide for EU EEA and Swiss Lawyers on Service and Establishment


Germany - Practical Guide for EU EEA and Swiss Lawyers on Service and Establishment


Hungary - Practical Guide for EU EEA and Swiss Lawyers on Service and Establishment


Iceland - Practical Guide for EU EEA and Swiss Lawyers on Service and Establishment


Ireland - Practical Guide for EU EEA and Swiss Lawyers on Service and Establishment


Italy - Practical Guide for EU EEA and Swiss Lawyers on Service and Establishment


Latvia - Practical Guide for EU EEA and Swiss Lawyers on Service and Establishment


Liechtenstein - Practical Guide for EU EEA and Swiss Lawyers on Service and Establishment


Lithuania - Practical Guide for EU EEA and Swiss Lawyers on Service and Establishment


Luxembourg - Practical Guide for EU EEA and Swiss Lawyers on Service and Establishment


Norway - Practical Guide for EU EEA and Swiss Lawyers on Service and Establishment


Poland - Practical Guide for EU EEA and Swiss Lawyers on Service and Establishment


Portugal - Practical Guide for EU EEA and Swiss Lawyers on Service and Establishment


Slovak Republic - Practical Guide for EU EEA and Swiss Lawyers on Service and Establishment


Slovenia - Practical Guide for EU EEA and Swiss Lawyers on Service and Establishment


Spain - Practical Guide for EU EEA and Swiss Lawyers on Service and Establishment


Sweden - Practical Guide for EU EEA and Swiss Lawyers on Service and Establishment


United Kingdom - Practical Guide for EU EEA and Swiss Lawyers on Service and Establishment