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Position Papers

CCBE Statement on the European Declaration on Digital Rights and Principles (16/02/2023)


CCBE response to the European Commission’s “call for evidence” on the Single Market Strategy (30/01/2025)


CCBE recommendations for Bars on the implementation of the e-Evidence Regulation (21/11/2024)


CCBE comments on the Council redraft of Chapters II and III Parenthood Proposal (31/10/2024)


CCBE Response to the European Commission "Call for evidence" on the Implementation and Impact of the EPPO Regulation and the Effectiveness and Efficiency of the EPPO's...


CCBE response to the public consultation regarding directive on administrative cooperation (DAC) evaluation (29/07/2024)


CCBE comments on the draft Practice Rules of the General Court (28/06/2024)


CCBE proposals for the upcoming online ECtHR application form (17/05/2024)


CCBE position paper on the proposal for a directive laying down minimum rules to prevent and counter the facilitation of unauthorised entry transit and stay in the Uni...


CCBE paper regarding AML supervision and practices by Bars (17/05/2024)


CCBE response to the EFTA Courts Consultation paper on the report for the hearing in Advisory Opinion Cases (15/04/2024)


CCBE position paper on the European Commission proposed Regulation regarding the protection of vulnerable adults (21/03/2024)


CCBE comments on the draft Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice and the General Court (27/02/2024)


CCBE Contribution for the 2024 Rule of Law Report (14/02/2024)


CCBE position paper on the proposal for a Directive regarding VAT rules for the digital age and its potential impact on professional secrecy (10/11/2023)