Welcome to CCBE | ACTIONS | Committees & Working Groups

Specialist committees and working groups made up of experts appointed by the national delegations discuss and develop policy papers on a wide range of areas affecting the European legal profession.

European Private Law Committee

The committee deals with a wide range of issue, excluding those in the area covered by the Family & Succession Law Committee. It monitors and responds to initiatives/proposals emanating from the European institutions on civil and commercial matters, such as connecting factors (e.g. domicile and nationality), the jurisdiction of the courts, the recognition and enforcement of judgements, choice of law, contract law, as well as more specifically on consumer rights and protection. It also follows the developments taking place at an international level, such as of the HCCH, UNIDROIT, and UNCITRAL.






















      Czech Republic
















































      United Kingdom



      United Kingdom


CCBE introductory remark and response to the EC consultation on improving compliance with consumer rights across the EU (24/06/2022)


CCBE response to the public consultation on adapting liability rules to the digital age and Artificial Intelligence (23/12/2021)


CCBE remarks on change of circumstances legislation (27/11/2020)


CCBE remarks on the EU possible accession to the Judgments convention (02/10/2020)


CCBE response to the consultation on the New Consumer Agenda (02/10/2020)


Proposal for a Council decision on the accession to the Judgments Convention (02/10/2020)


CCBE comments on the IMCO/JURI report on the Proposal for a directive on certain aspects concerning contracts for the supply of digital content (23/02/2017)


CCBE proposal for a revision of Directive 93/13/EC on unfair terms in consumer contracts (16/09/2016)


CCBE position concerning contract rules for online purchase of goods and digital content (18/03/2016)


CCBE Position Paper on the Judgments Project concerning jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (No. 2) (18/03/2016)


Questionnaire on contract rules for online purchases of digital content and tangible goods (11/09/2015)


CCBE Position on contract rules for online purchases of digital content (14/09/2015)


CCBE position on the revision of the proposed CESL (24/04/2015)


CCBE position paper on the Judgments Project concerning jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (29/11/2013)


CCBE Comments on the tabled amendments to the JURI Draft Report on the proposal for a Regulation on a Common European Sales Law (COM(2011)0635) (28/06/2013)


CCBE comments on the JURI Draft Report on the proposal for a regulation on a Common European Sales Law (COM(2011)0635) (18/05/2013)


CCBE Comments on the Hague Principles on the Choice of Law in International Contracts (27/03/2013)


CCBE Position Paper on the proposal for a Regulation on a Common European Sales Law (COM(2011)0635) (07/09/2012)


CCBE Preliminary Position Paper regarding the proposal for a Regulation on a Common European Sales Law (COM(2011)0635) (16/02/2012)


CCBE position paper concerning the feasibility study carried out by the Expert Group on European Contract Law (24/06/2011)


CCBE Response to the Proposal for a Regulation on Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters (recast), COM (2010) 7...


CCBE Submission Green paper from the Commission on policy options for progress towards a European Contract Law for consumers and businesses (21/01/2011)


CCBE position on the services and mandate of the Draft Common Frame of Reference with particular reference to service contracts between lawyers and clients (09/09/2010)


CCBE Position Paper on the Draft Common Frame of Reference (23/01/2010)


CCBE Response to the Green Paper on the interconnection of business registers (SEC (2009) 1492) (23/01/2010)


CCBE position on The Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and the Council on consumer Rights Directive COM(2008) 614/3 (16/10/2009)


CCBE response to the Green Paper on the review of the Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and ...


CCBE Position Paper on certain Principles of European Contract Law Freedom of contract Standard terms of contract Notion of professional and consumer Remedies and dama...


CCBE Response to the Green Paper on the review of the Consumer Acquis (30/03/2007)


CCBE Position Paper on the Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the law applicable to contractual obligations (ROME I) Com(2005)6...


CCBE comments on draft convention on exclusive choice of law agreements (20/04/2004)


CCBE response to the proposal of the European Parliament and the Council for a regulation on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations (ROME II) (31/03/2004)


CCBE Response to the Green paper on the conversion of the Rome Convention of 1980 on the law applicable to contractual obligations into a Community instrument and its ...


Presentation for the CCBE at the EC workshop on European contract law (16/06/2003)


CCBE response to the European Contract Law Action Plan (16/05/2003)


CCBE response to SEC (16/12/2002)


Principles, definitions and model rules of European private law - Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR) (07/01/2010)


Answers to CCBE Questionnaire - Views on European Contract Law - provided by CCBE Delegations (31/10/2006)


CCBE Statement on the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements (27/02/2014)


CCBE Statement on the outcome of the vote on CESL by the JURI Committee (14/11/2013)


CCBE Resolution on European Contract Law (30/11/2006)