Welcome to CCBE | ACTIONS | Committees & Working Groups

Specialist committees and working groups made up of experts appointed by the national delegations discuss and develop policy papers on a wide range of areas affecting the European legal profession.

Surveillance Working Group

This working group aims to ensure the protection of professional secrecy as a fundamental guarantee of the rule of law in relation to governmental practices involving the interception and tracking of communications data for the purpose of surveillance and law enforcement. To that end, the working group monitors and responds to relevant national and European policy developments and court cases, and liaises with the global legal profession on the subject.







      Iain G.

      United Kingdom





















      Czech Republic



      Czech Republic





























      Giovanni Battista












      jose maria







      The Netherlands



      The Netherlands


CCBE recommendations for Bars on the implementation of the e-Evidence Regulation (21/11/2024)


CCBE position on the proposal for a regulation laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse (25/11/2022)


CCBE Position Paper on the Proposal for Regulation amending Regulation (EU) 2016/794, as regards Europol’s cooperation with private parties, the processing of person...


CCBE Guidance on the use of remote working tools by lawyers and remote court proceedings (27/11/2020)


Annex: Analyses of videoconferencing tools


CCBE written comments on Draft 2nd Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime (08/11/2019)


CCBE Assessment of the U S CLOUD Act (28/02/2019)


CCBE recommendations on the establishment of international rules for cross border access to e-evidence (28/02/2019)


CCBE position on Commission proposal Regulation on European Production and Preservation Orders for e evidence in criminal matters (19/10/2018)


CCBE Preliminary comments on the Commission proposal for a Regulation on European Production and Preservation Orders for electronic evidence in criminal matters (29/06...


CCBE comments on the Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the first annual review of the functioning of the EU US Privacy Shield (M...


Brief of the CCBE as amicus curiae in support of respondent in Microsoft Ireland Case (January 2018)


CCBE Response to the Public Consultation on improving cross border access to electronic evidence in criminal matters (20/10/2017)


CCBE Comments on the Review of the EU-US Privacy Shield Agreement (25/09/2017)


Joint letter calling for the EU digital security agenda to promote fundamental rights and support a safe digital ecosystem (11/12/2024)


CCBE letter on the protection of confidentiality of lawyer client communications HLG (15/04/2024)


Second open CCBE Letter regarding the interception of communications between Julian Assange and his lawyers (31/07/2023)


Plenary vote on the e-evidence package (12/06/2023)


CCBE Open letter on the signature and ratification of the Second additional protocol of the Budapest Convention (27/04/2022)


Joint letter on e-evidence (18/05/2021)


Open letter on CCBE contribution to the trilogue on the e evidence proposal (30/03/2021)


CCBE Letter regarding the interception of communications between Julian Assange and his lawyers (24/02/2020)


CCBE comments WP29 Guidelines on Article 49 GDPR (29/03/2018)


CCBE Letter to Polish Parliament regarding draft law on amendements to the law on Police (12/01/2016)


CCBE Letter to UK Immigration and Security Minister regarding confidential lawyer client communications (19/03/2015)


International rules for cross-border access to e-evidence: CCBE urges the Commission to postpone negotiations with the U.S. and the Council of Europe (06/03/2019)


Electronic surveillance: MEPs join European lawyers calling on the EU and its Member States to protect the rule of law (24/01/2018)


The CCBE argues against the position of the United States on the extraterritorial application of search warrants (25/01/2018)


CCBE Recommendations on the protection of fundamental rights in the context of "national security" (29/03/2019)


CCBE Guidance on Improving the IT Security of Lawyers Against Unlawful Surveillance (2016)


CCBE recommendations on the protection of client confidentiality within the context of surveillance activities (2016)


CCBE Intervention ECtHR Kock Others Jones Day (21/10/2021)


CCBE Intervention ECtHR Harting case (24/06/2021)


Tierce intervention du CCBE devant la Cour Européenne des Droits de l’Homme (2017)


Decision of the Court of appeal of the Hague in the Prakken d Oliveira case (27/10/2015)


Intervention du CCBE devant le conseil constitutionnel francais (06/07/2015)


CCBE Statement on the Pegasus Scandal (01/02/2022)


CCBE Statement on Covid-19 contact tracing apps (15/05/2020)


Joint Statement to encourage EU legislators to fight fo fundamental rights protections in e Evidence legislation (06/01/2020)