... by establishing minimum common rules relating to legalaid and other
financial aspects of civil... minimum common rules relating to legalaid and other
financial aspects of civil proceedings
... not be too concerned as far as the assurance of legal minimum criteria
is concerned. If ADR is deemed to... be
harmonised so that common principles may be laid down with regard to procedural guarantees?
The CCBE...
... by establishing minimum common rules
relating to legalaid for such disputes (2002/8/EC of 27 January... minimum common rules
relating to legalaid for such disputes (2002/8/EC of 27 January 2003
... session prior to the beginning of a legal proceeding. Courts shall not be impeded to call
the... 14, it should be made clear that the principles laid down in existing rules in
the field of consumer...
... potential impediment to trade or would
perpetuate legal uncertainty. This is not the case in the present... 11: Do you consider that the banks should be paid for the execution of an Attachment
Order? If so, should...