... a European Production Order targets the data
of a company or another entity other than natural person, the... matters
The Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) represents the bars and law...
... arisen in a dispute between AMOK Verlags GmbH, a company
established under German law ('AMOK'), and A & R... Verlags GmbH, a company
established under German law ('AMOK'), and A & R Gastronomie GmbH, a
... arisen in a dispute between AMOK Verlags GmbH, a company
established under German law ('AMOK'), and A & R... Verlags GmbH, a company
established under German law ('AMOK'), and A & R Gastronomie GmbH, a
... shall assist the client in a dispute with a
company in which the lawyer holds a significant share or if... Conseil des barreaux européens
Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe
Association internationale sans but...
... shall assist the client in a dispute with a
company in which the lawyer holds a significant share or if... Conseil des barreaux européens
Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe
Association internationale sans but...
... board or commercial proxy in a commercial company or as a
member of the supervisory board delegated... transactions as
part of the business of a law office unrelated to the practice of the profession...
... a
company carries on legal practice, it is the company's individual advocates who are obliged
to provide... of practice.
A person who will practice law as an advocate under his own name or provide legal...
... shall assist the client in a dispute with a
company in which the lawyer holds a significant share or if... des barreaux européens
Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe
Association internationale sans but...
... procedural law
Austrian companylaw, Austrian labour and social legislation and... Professional Exams, ABAG (Part 1)
Austrian Lawyers Act, RAO (Section 2 Para 3, Section 3 Para 4,...
... procedural law
Austrian companylaw, Austrian labour and social legislation and... Professional Exams, ABAG (Part 1)
Austrian Lawyers Act, RAO (Section 2 Para 3, Section 3 Para 4,...