... judiciaires relatives au divorce et aux successions. Ainsi, il sera
nécessaire de tenir compte des... en Europe. Ainsi, certains pays dits de "Common Law" ne
connaissent pas de véritable "régime matrimonial"...
... having consulted the members of the CCBE Family & SuccessionLaw Committee which
consists of practitioners... Conseil des barreaux européens
Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe
Association internationale sans but...
... international law conflicts rules in relation to successionlaw issues in the
member states to be dealt... European Perspective of Private International Law
The cross-border recognition and effect of civil...
... of the death of one of the spouses, known as succession
B.- The consequences of an eventual... in the systems
based on or influenced by Roman law and the Code of Napoleon, marriage generates a
... an ongoing basis.
Immigration, criminal, family, succession and possibly, in the future,
European contract... Conseil des barreaux européens
Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe
Association internationale sans but...
... an ongoing basis.
Immigration, criminal, family, succession and possibly, in the future,
European contract... Conseil des barreaux européens
Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe
Association internationale sans but...
... it clear that any transfer operates as a general succession by
operation of law. In paragraph 3, we assume... and divisions
The Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) represents the bars and law...
... relating to employment, contracts relating to
succession rights, contracts relating to rights under... provision of legal services concluded between a lawyer and a consumer)
In Case C 537/13,
for a...