... criticise the initial step of the Commission itself which led to its reports
on the application of competition to professional services, but regrets that the European Commission
Conseil des barreaux...
... the
European Court of Justice had to consider whether the Dutch Bar had breached European
competition law in refusing to allow partnerships between lawyers and accountants. This is
what the Court had...
... alleged to be liable for the tort has an establishment in that
c) Article 5 - Unfair competition
Where there is a substantial effect across more than one country, it looks quite unclear
... far-reaching rules on the protection of trade secrets also could
negatively effect innovation and competition.
Furthermore, the procedural rules for proceedings in connection with the alleged...
... price is inevitably a
factor already, if this new regime were to encourage largely price-driven competition for legal services,
that would carry with it the very real risk of a reduction in the quality of...
... has recognized these
specificities in the Wouters’case (both in the fields of free movement and competition), confirming that
account must be taken of the objectives of the profession “which are connected...
... is an issue that cannot be resolved by a Take-Over Bid
Directive. This is rather a matter for competition and monopoly law.
Golden shares, as has been held by the ECJ, can work as obstacles to...
... in force measures, even
of a legislative or regulatory nature, which may render ineffective the competition
rules applicable to undertakings (Case 267/86 Van Eycke [1988] ECR 4769,
paragraph 16; Case...
... Orde van Advocaten. Interestingly, in that case, which concerned the
applicability of competition law to measures taken by a bar, the Court held that, although
competition law did apply to...