... law has as its purpose to define the legal criteria for the practice of the profession of... services towards the persons benefiting legalaid in accordance with the legislation in force on...
... Laws of 1982 No item 145
dated 6 July 1982
On Legal Counsels
Prepared on the basis of:
uniform text... (Journal of Laws of 2006 No 206 item 1522); the said provision
shall cease to be valid on...
...CCBE considerations on the Legal Aspects of AI (20/02/2020)
CCBE considerations on the Legal Aspects of AI... systems in vehicles presently are merely driver aids, but what is the responsibility of the occupant of...
...CCBE Position
on Legal Expenses Insurance
Legal expenses insurance allows consumers to know and enforce... the system of subsidiarity exists, i.e. legalaid for citizens is only provided to
citizens who do not...
... of Bars & Law Societies of Europe
The voice of the European legal profession
Rue Joseph II, 40/8 - 1000 Brussels
T... rendered for which the platform
provider can be paid both by the lawyer and the client. Examples of...