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Reform of the EU Court of Justice: The CCBE adopts comments on the functioning of the General Court in the wake of the 2015 Reform

Turkey: Following the tragic death of lawyer Ebru Timtik, the CCBE calls on the EU and Turkish authorities to take urgent measures to prevent the death of lawyer Aytaç Ünsal

Turkey: Independence, integrity and freedom of expression of the legal profession at stake

On the weekend of 20 and 21 June 2020, a large number of lawyers and local Turkish Bar Associations presidents launched a symbolic march from their respective provinces to the entrance of Ankara to protest against a new draft bill of the governing party AKP, which is intended to change the electoral system of the chambers and further restrict the independence of the bars and the legal profession.

The CCBE sounds the alarm bell for justice in Europe - The CCBE calls to overcome urgently the current paralysis of judicial systems

During the confinement period, numerous cases and proceedings have been cancelled and postponed to the detriment of access to justice and respect of human rights.

New CCBE Presidency

The new CCBE Presidency takes office as of 1st January 2020