... judicial reforms in
|| Coming soon: CCBE e-book on the future of the legal
|| CCBE Training Conference
|| European Lawyers Day 2017
|| Anti-money laundering
|| Human rights – Defence of the...
... its 10th
|| The Lithuanian Bar Council appoints its new
delegation to the CCBE
|| Training Lawyers on Asylum and Immigration
|| Human rights – The Dark side of the moon:...
... its 10th
|| The Lithuanian Bar Council appoints its new
delegation to the CCBE
|| Training Lawyers on Asylum and Immigration
|| Human rights – The Dark side of the moon:...
... @ CJUE
CCBE is happy to announce the launch of two new blogs.
Firstly, the CCBE Training Portal which provides information
regarding European developments affecting the training
... @ CJUE
CCBE is happy to announce the launch of two new blogs.
Firstly, the CCBE Training Portal which provides information
regarding European developments affecting the training
... certificate of aptitude necessary for qualification as an avocat. Ms
Morgenbesser spent some time training with a law firm in France and then in April 1998 commenced
working with a legal practice in Genoa....
... will be adopted under the
Small Business Act.
1. Develop entrepreneurship through education and training
The CCBE would like to insist on the need to develop the entrepreneurial spirit within...
... in those cases (lead solicitor, instructing Counsel, part of team etc).
Attendance at suitable training course (including in-house courses where
appropriate). (Ideally details over the last 5 years...
...Luciano Garofalo (Italian Bar Association, University of Bari, member of the CCBE Training Committee)
1. Professional formation generally has the function-as it is known-to adjust the
question to the offer of job. It,...
... patent law matters, but involve many other areas of law in which a patent attorney will
have no training or experience. For patent litigation, there is a need to possess a broad legal
education including...