... sur le site du CCBE.
General Principles of the Legal Profession (en anglais) adoptés par l’Association... Charte a notamment pour objet de venir en aide aux barreaux qui luttent dans les pays émergents pour
... secret professionnel, la
confidentialité et le legal professional privilege dans
les neuf Etats membres de... la Déclaration de Perugia étaient insuffisants pour aider les avocats européens à relever les défis posés par...
... of services – when a lawyer provides cross-border legal services temporarily
under his professional home title... is an intervention within the framework of legalaid, it is sufficient, in order to obtain it, to refer...
... currently entitled to practise as a member of the legal
profession(s) to which you belong ?*
Is... Directive; or
if the fee covers items already paid elsewhere by the registering lawyer, such as
... was published in 2012 on the “Evaluation of the Legal
Framework for the Free Movement of Lawyers”. This... proved to be unfounded. Within the framework
of said directives European lawyers temporarily rendering...
... go)
Bar/Law Society/authority
responsible for the legal
Board of Directors
Board of... van opzeg
Claim paid
Claims expenses
Class of risk
Collection of...
... family benefits); maternity insurance
and legal retirement pension (retirement pension, early... policy from the Bar: through
subscriptions paid to the Bars by the lawyer; possibly individual...